Suzy Homemaker: Fall Edition
Oh boy, oh boy! A trip to the countryside for pumpkins produced dinner AND fall decor.
Oh boy, oh boy! A trip to the countryside for pumpkins produced dinner AND fall decor.
Tenth Century monasteries are great places to party, so we learned at a county fair.
Why I cried myself to sleep three nights in a row. Accepting condolence cards, and flowers.
Just a few photos from a day trip of grape stealing and gnome saving.
It was sort of hilarious. It was sort of ridiculously embarrassing. I may be done practicing my Czech in public for a while.
Voltage, schmoltage. The minor detail of international power conversion wasn’t enough to get us down… we just lived “creatively” during our weekend in the dark.
If only the website had been in Czech, I’d have an excuse. Due to a slight online booking snafu, we wound up on our first train ride.
Draw bridges, moats, knights, dragons…. PRINCESSES! Who doesn’t love castles?
Every now and then (read: every few days), I have an “Are we crazy?!” moment. Here’s a glimpse at last night’s moment.
I probably don’t even need to exercise — I get sweaty and out-of-breath enough just from going to the grocery store.